Matthews IFA Ltd
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Colin Morrish - Dominy & Morrish (Solicitors), Eastleigh, Hampshire.

Dear Clive,

As a practising solicitor in a small provincial practice, I do not have the expertise to provide comprehensive and effective advice to clients. As a result, I have relied exclusively upon Permitted Third Party advisers.

In the past several years I have experienced varying levels of service and have not been very confident regarding the quality of such. However, last year we met and since then I have referred several matters.

I am happy to say that I have experienced a most efficient and effective service from your company, and I would have no hesitation in recommending your services to any of my clients, or indeed to any other members of my profession.

I am sure that the quality of the service your company provides will be its own recommendation, but if you wish to give my name as a referee in future, I shall be pleased for you to do so.

Yours sincerely,


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